Scaling net negative carbon emissions
Biochar production is the only existing industrial technology that can produce negative emissions at scale today. Biochar can also provide the earth system with other benefits such as retaining water and nutrients in a way that no other existing technology can do.
Reduce. Reuse. Reverse.
At Biochar Tech, our final goal is reversing the climate change. The world as we know today, faces an enormous threat to the whole biosphere. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is on record levels and humans are the cause though the industrial revolution.
We still believe in a great future for the earth and the human ability to adapt and solve complex issues cannot be underestimated in this important matter.
By scaling biochar which means reusing our resources, we are able to reduce the impact of many global systems and reverse climate change.
Many arid areas in the world are under an immediate threat of desertification. However, the process of degrading soil carbon can be reversed. Biochar is a semi-inert material that will last for centuries and helps the soils to remain fertile even under severely harsh conditions. Biochar applied in agriculture can also mitigates negative effects of climate change by retaining nutrients and water.
Metallurgical Industry
The steel industry makes up to about 8% of global CO2 emissions. Though, there are solutions to reduce the impact by replacing charcoal with hydrogen. For all those plants that are not being able to invest immense biocarbon from wood, this will work as a substitution for fossil coal that is used today for reduction of iron oxide.
The concrete industry also makes up to about 8%of global CO2 emissions. Biochar Tech is involved in production of carbon neutral concrete that can meet the high quality demand needed for production of concrete.
Stabilization and Filtration
At Biochar Tech, we help you design a biochar production for specific use in the stabilization or filtration of contaminants.
Pyrolysis is an excellent valorization method ofsewage sludge. Integration of pyrolysis in a sewage treatment plant is asolution to the global shortage of phosphorous and will at the same timedegrade contaminants and improve soils where applied.
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Production at scale
We will of course help you designing your system but we can also help you through the contruction process and the operations of the plant if you wish. We an also help you designing a bussiness case and secure finance or just simply build own and operate a plant integrated in an existing process.
Turnkey Solutions
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